by Cyndi Smith | Jan 10, 2022 | Paint Tutorial, Prep, Tutorial
Painting furniture and giving new life to a worn piece can be so rewarding. But how do you get started? I’m often asked what tools one would need to begin to flip a piece of furniture. So here are my favorite paint tools for beginners who want to start...
by Cyndi Smith | Nov 22, 2021 | Prep, Tutorial
I love to paint. It’s relaxing and therapeutic for me. Except when it’s not. Ever have your paint just not want to stick? That happened to me on this piece. Here’s what to do when paint won’t stick. I was painting some old cabinet doors...
by Cyndi Smith | Jan 13, 2019 | Prep, Resources, Tutorial
There is such a variety of furniture out there waiting to be painted. I mean there are dressers and chests and night stands, tables and chairs, buffets, benches… And then there are a myriad of finishes. Some pieces have their original finish. Some have been...
by Cyndi Smith | Sep 11, 2018 | IOD Transfer, Paint Tutorial, Prep, Tutorial
Have you ever been so excited about a new product that you could just burst? That’s how I felt a few weeks ago when my new shipement of Iron Orchid Designs transfers arrived. It wasn’t hard to decide on the first project, though. I was dying to use the...
by Cyndi Smith | Sep 4, 2018 | Hardware, Paint Tutorial, Prep, SFO over Paint, Tutorial
My heart skipped a beat when I found this beautiful dresser. I could envision the delicate carving being accented with some glaze or wax. So I was super happy when I was able to bring her home. The top had some minor damage and scratches. Nothing that stripping and...
by Cyndi Smith | Jun 13, 2018 | Prep, Resources, Tutorial
So you have a piece of furniture you want to make new and you’re wondering where to start? The starting point is always the same – prep. Prep isn’t hard or complicated. Fusion has created this flow chart to take the mystery out of prep. You see,...