by Cyndi Smith | Mar 22, 2020 | Tutorial, Hardware, Resources
As much as I love painting furniture, it’s the hardware that can make or break the look. Sometimes the hardware is perfect and all it needs is a good cleaning. Sometimes it’s all wrong (or some is missing) and I end up replacing it. (D. Lawless Hardware...
by Cyndi Smith | Sep 4, 2018 | Hardware, Paint Tutorial, Prep, SFO over Paint, Tutorial
My heart skipped a beat when I found this beautiful dresser. I could envision the delicate carving being accented with some glaze or wax. So I was super happy when I was able to bring her home. The top had some minor damage and scratches. Nothing that stripping and...
by Cyndi Smith | Aug 13, 2018 | Hardware, Paint Tutorial, SFO over Paint, Tutorial
Last year I was at a flea market and ran across this chest. It was beat up. It had graffiti written on the top. I think a dog had chewed on one of the drawers. But there was something about it that cried out to be restored. So it sat in my garage for months. ...