This piece was the collision of the perfect piece of furniture and the perfect transfer. I knew immediately what I wanted to do with this bombe chest when I bought it. I didn’t know the journey would be a challenge!
It needed some repair so I spent one afternoon gluing and clamping and shoring it up. Then I used TSP to give it a good cleaning. The finish was worn and didn’t have a gloss to it so once clean, it was ready to paint!
I wanted a soft white background for the floral transfer, so I opted for Raw Silk. I’d say it’s my favorite white but how can you choose just one?? Anyway, I also pulled out a new brush – the Staalmeester sybthetic bristle brush. This brush is different than the other Staalmeesters I use. The other Staalmeesters have a blend of natural and synthetic bristles to both hold paint and provide a smooth finish. This new brush is only synthetic bristles and let me go on record by saying that it’s my new favorite!! It provides a smooth, easy-to-paint finish and is easy to use!
So the chest got three coats of Raw Silk. I let it dry for a day or two before I applied the transfer. Now, I’ve used lots of transfers. You can see them here and here and here. I knew this one would take more time because of it’s size. But apparently, I got a defective transfer. I just couldn’t get it to stick. So weird! So I contacted the company and they promised a refund. Undaunted, I pulled out another transfer and this one went on like a charm. I’m so glad I gave it another try!
After applying the transfer I just needed to seal it. I chose to use Fusion’s Beeswax Finish. It’s a great wax that is a combination of beeswax and hemp oil . One light coat is all it takes.
So I cleaned the hardware and put it back on and voile! Isn’t she beautiful!!
I just used a rag to wipe it on. If I’m applying wax to furniture I usually use a brush but I don’t want to risk damaging the transfer with a brush so I use a rag. Thank you for your kind comments!
The only time I use primer is if the wood is prone to have tannin bleed. I’m sure primer would help with the transition of color but honestly I don’t see the difference between one coat of primer and two coats of paint or three coats of paint. Just my preference, I guess. Thank you for visiting my page and reading through! I really appreciate the feedback@
Gorgeous! How do you apply the beeswax?
I just used a rag to wipe it on. If I’m applying wax to furniture I usually use a brush but I don’t want to risk damaging the transfer with a brush so I use a rag. Thank you for your kind comments!
Didn’t see anything about applying primer? Thought you would have needed it over the original black paint.
BTW – it’s absolutely GORGEOUS!
The only time I use primer is if the wood is prone to have tannin bleed. I’m sure primer would help with the transition of color but honestly I don’t see the difference between one coat of primer and two coats of paint or three coats of paint. Just my preference, I guess. Thank you for visiting my page and reading through! I really appreciate the feedback@